Monday, April 27, 2009

Understanding Your Mission

Matt. 14:22    Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.
John records that after the miracle of the loaves and fish, the crowds intended to make Jesus King by force (john 6:15)

Nots from study bible NIV Matt 14:22: This involved a complete understanding of the mission of Jesus. The disciples may have been caught up in the enthusiasm and needed to be removed from the area quickly. Jesus knew really well what His mission in the world was, that’s why he didn’t entertain the thought of the crowds and disciples. He quickly went up to a mountain side by himself to PRAY. Once again here’s the importance of being faithful and love the Word of God. That’s the only source of strength to do your mission here on earth.

Learning from Jesus, I need to know for sure the mission that God has for my life. Be content and secure and be faithful to his calling. According to people’s eyes, being a king is the status that Jesus should have. But Jesus knew his mission. The secret was his solitary, constant fellowship with his Father. The father who gave Jesus the mission in the first place, and Jesus consulted him daily.
If jesus did that consistently, how much more I need to do the same.

God, reveal to me the mission of my life, make it clear each day. I can’t find out about that from anywhere else, or anyone else. Show me your way, so I can have a life that pleases You

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