Thursday, April 30, 2009

God's Presence

Thursday, 30th April 2009

1Chr. 13:3 (NLT) It is time to bring back the Ark of our God, for we neglected it during the reign of Saul.”
1Chr. 13:14 (NLT) The Ark of God remained there with the family of Obed-edom for three months, and the LORD blessed him and his entire household.

David understand the importance of having the presence of God in his life, in his home and in his nations. As a king, leaders of leaders he realizes that his wisdom is limited; to be able to see his nation advance he can’t just depend on his leadership and his leaders; He knows that if God is with Him and Israel, everything will be alright. wasn’t it God who put him in charge in the first place
Whereever God present, his blessings follow, his favor follows, just like the family of Obed edom who happened to welcome the ark of God, him and his household were blessed.
I still amazed reading the verses that says “so David inquired God (1 Chro 14:10)”... “(1 Chro 14: 14) so David inquired of God again, and God answered Him.”
David consulted God for everything! this is DAVID... that means that also the same thing I need to do. Having His Presence in my live, and ask him what to do, because he knows best.
I like the song in Robin’s wedding “ I need to be next to you.” Yes God, I need to be next to you... because it will be a lie if I can live without you.

Having God’s presence in my life is simply acknowledging the fact that Immanuel God is with me. And not only that, I need to make his statutes and his ways and hold on to it. just like what God said to David in psalm 132 (today’s reading as well) if your sons keep my covenant and the statutes I teach them then their sons will sit on your throne for ever and ever”
I love your words oh God...

Help me God not to rely on my on understanding, my own wisdom. Your thoughts and your ways are so high, I can’t conprehend them. I need your wisdom. and more than anything. I NEED YOU in my life. Thank you for living inside me Holy SPirit! I don’t want to ignore you. Just like david, the first thing he did as a king, he bring back the ark of God. I need your presence, You are my everything.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

God Was With David

Leadership quote of the day:
"Envision your desired outcomes before you act" - Stephen Covey

2 Samuel 5: 10 And he became more and more powerful, because the LORD God Almighty was with him.

Reading from the previous chapters, it is obvious that David’s only hope for victory was GOD. he said “As surely as the Lord lives, who has delivered me out of all trouble”. Even though many people who were loyal to him tried their best to bring victories for him, they killed saul’s son thinking that David could become king over Israel ASAP; David was so disappointed towards those men who killed Ish Bosheth. This prove that David was a man of integrity, who doesn’t want to take shortcut to arrive to his success. He relies on God’s hands and God’s timing. And when God gave him the victory/success in His timing, GOD rewards David with more and more, and He was WITH HIM

The most important thing in life is to have THE LORD OF HOSTS with me. Like David, I need to be a man of integrity, not taking decision based on what I think is good for the time being, continually inquiring God for wisdom and guidance to do His will, according to His Timing.

I need you in my life oh God. that’s all I need. What does success means if you’re not with me. Help me to know your ways. AMEN

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Inquiring God

From last weekend i was unable to post my blog because we had church camp at guilderton, and no internet access obviously. so here we go

1Chr. 10:13    Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance, 14 and did not inquire of the LORD. So the LORD put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse.

The path of the unrighteousness always lead to death. Saul was the chosen king over israel, however towards the end of his ministry He became unfaithful to the Lord. As an appointed servant of God, I must depend on Him who appointed me to do the tasks he’d given to me in the first place. Otherwise God will choose someone else who suits / competence for the very same task to replace me, easily. After all His kingdom must advance.

God has appointed me and entrusted me to be his servant at therocks. I must acknowledge and continue to remind myself that He’s the one who trusted me this (also to be husband to cit, son to my parents, etc); and unlike Saul, I have to be faithful till the end. I must acknowledge him in all of my ways, KEEP his words and inquire Him for guidance. Without Him I can do nothing.

Help me Lord to walk in your truth. For your word are the source of wisdom, that enables me to be the person you want me to be. Help me to love you more, to love your words; for what else could be the source of wisdom to help me doing/fulfilling the destiny of my life? only Your WORD!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Understanding Your Mission

Matt. 14:22    Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.
John records that after the miracle of the loaves and fish, the crowds intended to make Jesus King by force (john 6:15)

Nots from study bible NIV Matt 14:22: This involved a complete understanding of the mission of Jesus. The disciples may have been caught up in the enthusiasm and needed to be removed from the area quickly. Jesus knew really well what His mission in the world was, that’s why he didn’t entertain the thought of the crowds and disciples. He quickly went up to a mountain side by himself to PRAY. Once again here’s the importance of being faithful and love the Word of God. That’s the only source of strength to do your mission here on earth.

Learning from Jesus, I need to know for sure the mission that God has for my life. Be content and secure and be faithful to his calling. According to people’s eyes, being a king is the status that Jesus should have. But Jesus knew his mission. The secret was his solitary, constant fellowship with his Father. The father who gave Jesus the mission in the first place, and Jesus consulted him daily.
If jesus did that consistently, how much more I need to do the same.

God, reveal to me the mission of my life, make it clear each day. I can’t find out about that from anywhere else, or anyone else. Show me your way, so I can have a life that pleases You

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Keep God's Words

1Chr. 10:13 Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance, 14 and did not inquire of the LORD. So the LORD put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse.

The path of unrighteousness always leads to death. Saul was the chosen king over Israel, however towards the end of his ministry. He was unfaithful to the Lord. As an appointed servant of God, I must depend on Him who appointed me to do the tasks he'd given to me in the first place. Otherwise God will choose someone else who suits for the very same task to replace me. After all His kingdom must advance.

God has appointed me and trusted me to be his servant at THEROCKS, i must acknowledge and continue to remind myself that He's the one who trusted me this (also to be husband to cit, son of my parents, etc); and unlike Saul, I have to be faithful till the end. I must acknowledge him in all of my ways, KEEP his word and inquire Him for guidance. Without Him I can do nothing.

Help me Lord to walk in your truth. For your word are the source of wisdom, that enables me to be the person you want me to be. Help me to love you more, to love your words; for what else could be the source of wisdom to help me doing /fulfilling the destiny of my life? only Your Word!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Quick To Repent

"Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of His miracles had been performed, because they did not repent." Matt 11:20

This verse really intrigue me when i read it. People in those city whom Jesus denounced, saw with their own eyes all the miracles and wonders Jesus had performed. But still, they did not repent; they still went with their own ways. But when I reflect upon this verse, i realize how easy it is to experiencing God's goodness daily in our lives, but still do not acknowledge His presence in our lives. He has done so many good things in my live, but yet there are few things that I still hold on and hesitate to give away.

I need to learn to be quick to learn, and quick to repent. Receiving the work of Christ for my salvation happens once and for all. Right on the moment i believed Christ, I immediately declared Just and Righteous. However, Repentance must happen every day, I need to quickly turn my way around, as soon as I learn that I walk on the wrong way.


Teach me your ways oh God, so I may know your truth. Teach me an undivided heart, that i may fear your Name. Help me to recognize my transgression, and not being hard hearted, rather to quickly turn to you and running towards you. Walking on your path is the wisest thing one can do.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

He Deserves My Best

"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:37-38

Obviously, Jesus wants all of me. All of my love, all of my devotions. A father, a mother, and a child is one's closest family, and Jesus wants me to love him more than i love my closest family. It sounds so selfish in a way, but isn't what you would say on your wedding day? That you would love your spouse till the end? either poor or rich, sick or healthy, that we would love our spouse?
In the first place, Jesus has shown his love to me, his commitment, his devotion, and his sacrifice for me. YES, for me. He deserves my best, he deserves all of me, all of my talents, all of my love.

Time and money are clear indications of what I treasure most in life. The keyword here i think is priority. I need to give Him the best part of my day to him for just simply spend time with him in prayer and word. Being faithful to give him the first priority of my finances, even during tough times. And the only motivation is because he has loved me first, and has given His best for me. Why shouldn't i try to do the same?

You gave your all on the calvary, Jesus. That's an evidence of your love to me. You love me more than anything. Thank you for showing it to me first how much you love me, that what empowers me to love you. Help me to grow in love with you, day by day. Just like i'm entering marriage life soon, and i need to continually work out my marriage, i want to to do the same with you. I want to work out my relationship with you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

God Responds to Faith

Mother to a sick daughter: “But come and put Your hand on her and she will live.” (Matt 9:18 NIV)
Woman with bleeding problem : “ If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” (Matt 9:21 NIV)
Jesus asked two blind men who asked for sight : “ Do you believe that I am able to do this (healing)? Yes Lord “they replied”, then He touched their eyes and said “According to your faith will it be done to you.” (Matt 9:28 NIV)

We know God’s character through his words and promises. However what can ‘knowing things’ do good to me unless I experience it. Throughout matthew 9, Matthew keeps on highlighting the importance of FAITH in experiencing the power of God, and more importantly experiencing HIS Character (in this case: Jehovah Raphah - God is my healer”). Faith is simply believing what Gad says who He is. Believe the truth of his character. Just like a cable conducts electricity from the power source to a HD LCD TV, faith conducted power/God’s character from Himself to me. Without Him I can not function!

To be able to know His character, I must become a faithful student of His word, hence the Holy Spirit who lives in me will reveal God’s character to me, and in result I will know him more and more. Holy Spirit will give me RHEMA and based on that RHEMA (revelation), I believe (Faith comes), and that Faith is the conductor for me to experience God’s character, His power, in my life. It makes sense. Faith comes from hearing, hearing of the Rhema of God.

You are marvelous! How deep are your thoughts oh God. I could not comprehend them. I want to know you more, Jesus. The more I study about your word, the more I realize how I want to know and experience you more; and the more I realize how little and limited my understanding about You. Help me to be quick to learn, quick to say AMEN to your promises and walk in your ways, for I know your hands are upon me all the days of my life. AMEN.

Only yesterday I was having a conversation with a lovely lady, she voluntarily clean our church property once a week as part of her ministry to God. She’s a very humble lady. She gave me her testimony about her life, she grew up in West Java, Indonesia, brought up in a moslem family; migrate to Australia 12 years ago ; and came to know Jesus in 2005, gave herself to Jesus and be baptized. She came back to Indonesia in Feb 2009 (just two months ago), to visit her parents and her relatives in Bandung. One day she and her husband visit her sister’s house in Bandung. Her sister’s husband had a stroke a while ago, and caused him lost his memory. He could not remember most people whom he knew before the stroke. This lady ask her sister’s husband, “ do you still remember me?”, he said “no”. In her heart she prayed, “Jesus, you made blind men recover their sight, lame men walk, mute can talk again, surely you can make my brother in law recovers from his stroke, and start to regain his memory. May your name be glorified.”
She told her brother in law, “You know Prophet Isa (Jesus is known as Prophet Isa in book of Quran), don’t you, brother? He can heal you and he can make you whole, believe in him. Because he loves you and care for you. You can be healed.” Her brother in law responded “yes I want to be healed, Prophet Isa please heal me.” She lays her hands upon this man’s head and prayed for his healing. Soon after she finished prayed, she asked him again, “do you remember who I am?”, He paused for a while, and then he said, “ are you ‘enceu’ (big sister in sundanese), you’re ‘enceu’ from Australia, aren’t you?”. This lady was so filled with Joy that Jesus has started the recovery in her brother in law’s memory. Her sister was so happy.

During her same visit to Bandung, she also went to her parents house. Her mother was already old and had not been able to walk for months. The mother just laid in bed most of the time. This lady told me, that often time she came to her mother’s bed and whisper in her mother’s ear, “mom, Prophet Isa loves you and she can heal you. He is God, believe in him, and you will walk again.” She keeps praying for her mom. This lady told me, just before she and her husband left to perth again, she took and accompany her mom walking around the frontyard of the house. She starts walking again.’
Praise God!

God responds to FAITH. It doesn’t matter if you’re a 5 year old boy, or 89 year old man. It doesn’t matter whether you have been a believer for 30 years, or you just became believer yesterday. Your faith in Christ is the one that saved you. Your faith is the conductor of God’s saving grace to be applied into your life. You’re saved by grace. the salvation, the forgiveness, the right standing before God is given to you. Yes, it is GIVEN to you through faith. just Simply believe....
The lady who shared her testimony let God to move through her to bring live and healing to her family members who don’t know Jesus. If only we are letting God use us and not hesitating to proclaim Jesus, wow.... we are going to be amazed with what God will do to people around us. Just like the testimony she shared.

These signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in My name, and they will speak new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them. (Mark 16:17-18)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Not Taking Short Cuts

1 Samuel 24:16 (NLT) The LORD knows I shouldn’t have done it,” he said to his men. “It is a serious thing to attack the LORD’s anointed one, for the LORD himself has chosen him.”
1 Samuel 24:15 (NLT) May the LORD judge which of us is right and punish the guilty one. He is my advocate, and he will rescue me from your power!”

David already received God's promise that he will become the next King of Israel, Samuel also has anointed him to be the king of Israel. In other word, He is waiting for the fulfillment of that promise. David had some loyal followers, and they were not ordinary men, they were mighty men of war; and hence made David a respected leader. With all his might, power, followers, and "seem's like God's given opportunity (Divine timing), David could easily kill Saul. However he understood a principle of "God's anointed people." God put them there with His sovereignty for a reason. Everything will be perfect if we follow God's timing.

Acknowledge the authorities God put in your life. Government, public officers, Council officers (that's right; especially during this DA application process), pastors, superior leaders, boss, parents, husbands, ministry leaders (etc). They are chosen by God to be above us; pray for them, and serve them according to God's words. Do everything as if you're doing it for God. Pray that they will make decisions and policies that will be based on Kingdom's principles

Help me father to recognize your timing for everything in my life. Promotion comes from you. Help me to be faithful in doing the small things so you can trust me with bigger things. Help me not to be thirsty for power, respect, and fame, but let me be thirsty for God's word and wisdom. Just like David, leaders of men, able to make the right decision that determined the future of his men and his nation.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Be an Encourager

This month, we are having a campaign in THEROCKS, to read our bible and start journaling. My prayer is that through this, everyone in our church will love God's word, obey what Holy spirit teaches them and experience transformation in their lives.
This year is the year of "hunger and thirst after God". I don't know other ways for people to love God more, than to start loving His words and walk in the guidance of Holy Spirit.

Here's my SOAP of the day


"Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God." 1 Sam 23:16

David was on the run and hid in the wilderness, and it was written "Saul hunted him day after day, but God didn;t et him to be found" (v14). God protects David, as david wrote in his psalm that God protects those who honor Him. However, in the midst of His anxiety, fear and hopelessness, he found an encourager. Jonathan came and encouraged him. An encouragement is receiving a delicious Hokkien Fried Rice in the midst of Hunger. God always know how to encourage us. I want to be used by God to bring encouragement to those who needs it.

I want to make "encouragement" to be my habit. I'll never know when they need an encouragement words, which is capable to lift up their faith. Whenever I meet with people, i need to encourage them. Send SMS that builds the faith of people of God.


Father, help me to be sensitive to people's needs, fear, and anxiety. Help me to always be positive and overflow with your wisdom and strength. So I can encourage people and remind them that they are loved, and protected.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We are Unique

Each of us possesses strengths which God has given us. Psalm 18:32 says,

It is God who arms me with strength.

And in Philippians 4:13,

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

And King David said this in 1 Chronicles 29:12, Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.

God gives us all strength, yet I believe there are specific things He gives each of us that make you and me strong individually. The book of Psalms says in 33:14-15, From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually. In the New Testament in 1 Corinthians 12:27 it says, Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.

We are collectively the body of Christ, but God has wired us each differently. God has formed our hearts individually. He has put certain deposits in one person that may not be in another person. He has given one person a certain kind of strength that may not be another person's strength.
Here is what I am getting at. I believe there is something uniquely you that gives you strength and character and presence, something that makes you a person to be reckoned with, something that God has put in you. It is a foundation, a seat of strength that He wants to move through in order to influence and to bless others.
Rather than coveting someone else's unique giftings and strength, discover and develop your own. Remember, God individually fashioned you. There is something wonderfully unique about you, through which God wants to bring blessing to others.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

NASA Captured an amazing photo! Hand Of God

Hand of God

Hand of God ... the image of an X-ray nebula that spans 150 light years resembles a hand / NASA

NASA image of ghostly blue cloud

  • Resembles giant hand stretching
  • Recalls picture of "eye of God"
WE'VE already seen pictures of his eye ... now we have the first image of the hand of God.
A ghostly blue cloud seems to form an outstretched thumb and fingers grasping a ball of fire.
The amazing image was taken by NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory, which is orbiting 580km above the Earth. It recalls pictures of the Helix planetary nebula, with its blue centre surrounded by white clouds which earned it the nickname "the eye of God".
The hand was created when a star exploded in a supernova, creating a rapidly spinning 20km-wide star called a pulsar, which is deep inside the white blob at the hand's wrist.
The pulsar is spewing out enormous amounts of electromagnetic energy, creating a dust and gas cloud so wide it would take 150 years to cross at the speed of light.
The red disc is a separate gas cloud. The fingers are thought to have been created as energy passed from the pulsar to the gas cloud.
NASA scientists estimated the moment depicted here actually happened 17,000 years ago.
It has taken since then for the X-rays, travelling at 1080km/h, to reach Earth.


Chris Tomlin

From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
You are amazing God

Mike TJ is featured in Worship Audio Asia

Congratulation to our (THEROCKS church)sound engineer, Michael Tjandra who is featured on WORSHIP AUDIO (Asia) Magazine


He was featured on QUESTION and ANSWER section on a Pro-Central Audio magazine, "WORSHIP AUDIO ASIA - Spring 2009 edition"

CLICK HERE To read the article featuring our very own TJ

Keep up the good work, J... We're proud of ya!

When God Has my heart

In Matthew 6:25-26, Jesus says,

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

Given the context of the preceding verses, Jesus is telling us that if God is first in our giving, then He indeed has our heart. If He has our hearts, He can guide us and meet our needs, and we have no need to worry about provision for our life.

He feeds the birds. He will take care of you. Do not worry. Obey Him, trust Him, and look to Him for your daily bread.

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Kid's Festival 04.04.09

This morning we had Kids' Festival at Bentley, to be exact: Hedley Park. Dozens of awesome and faithful volunteers both from THEROCKS and Fusion came in the morning, and for this time most of them are the IGNITE boys and girls. I'm so proud of them! They are so enthusiastic in helping to make this KidsFest a success. They came as early as 8AM to help in setting up the tents, activities, etc. Looking at the volunteers, both the adults and the igniters working tirelessly, i was so inspired. These people love their God, they love their church, and they love their community. There is power in togetherness. Together we can do so many things.

It was such a day full of colors, fun, and smiles. I saw young kids smiling, laughing, running around the center of the park; jumping inside the bouncy castle. I looked back and i remembered I prayed for them to meet Jesus and experience the beauty of walking with Him, live a life that He gave, life to the max. That's why He came here to this world. (john 10:10 my favorite verse). I know that through this kids festival, we are bringing a taste of God's Kingdom to this community, where Jesus' reflectors, which is us THE CHURCH, sharing God's Joy and peace to the community. It is worth it! Even though there were no praises songs were sung during that 3PM, even there were no sermon preached, but i'm certain that this is the beginning of revival of this community.

Father, I pray that your church, your bride, will catch and understand what's in your heart. I pray that your church will share the compassion that you have in your heart. Loving you even more each day, and experience the wonderful journey with you, which most of the time is unpredictable, but eventually we will be amazed by the works of your hands in our lives.

Ronny, our living statue in process of making

Citra in action

Our sausage Sizzles gals

The volunteers - you guys Rock!

Friday, April 03, 2009

A Million Thanks

Lord, I ask for supernatural rain in the city where i live in. I ask for your extending arms to hold those who are hurting. I ask for your breath brings life to those who are spiritually tired. I ask for the young people will not walk in diminished power of the Holy Spirit. I ask You to pour out your Holy Spirit to all young people, they will see visions, they will prophecy, they will do miracles. I ask for a great awakening in Australia.

I thank you in advance for a street filled with people marching and celebrating the revival in this city. I thank you in advance for hundreds of thousand turning to you through us. I thank you in advance for restored marriages, healed relationship, children reconciled to their dads. I thank you in advance for a fresh new streams of Praise and worship. I thank you in advance for using me as your instrument beyond my wildest dreams.

I thank you for your goodness, favor and mercy that keeps following and chasing me everywhere that i go. I thank you for a great church, for the amazing people in it, for committed and passionate people who are supporting the vision of Your house. I thank you for family, i thank you for Citra, I thank you for wonderful future you have for me.

I treasure your Words that leads my path. I treasure the wisdom that you provide everytime i ask. I treasure the moments where i realize that i'm weak, for that's when you show you're strong. I treasure the hardship, because that makes me strong; "if it doesn't kill you, it only can make you even stronger". I treasure your wonderful presence. I agree with David, a short time in your presence, better than days elsewhere. I treasure the divine connections you provide for me, who give me counsel, challenges, and encouragement.

A million thanks to you my beautiful savior... JESUS