Friday, May 25, 2007

Do You Cherish God's Word?

Hi Guys,

I was reading my daily devotional, And i read these article. I hope this will bless you and reminds us once again how precious God's word is.

Psalm 107:20 says,

He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from
their destructions.

God has given us His Word for our benefit, and yet so many
Christians ignore it to their hurt.

It is like the story of the woman a preacher went to visit one day. She lived in a dilapidated house. As long as he had known her, she had struggled with poverty. Twenty years earlier she had been the housekeeper for the wealthiest woman in town, but the wealthy
woman had died. So this housekeeper moved into an old shack.

As the pastor was visiting her, he noticed a document framed on the wall. He said, “Do you mind if I borrow this for a few days?” She replied, “Well, you can borrow it, but please bring it back. Although I can’t read, it is very important to me. It is the only thing that the lady left me when she died. It is very valuable to me. It reminds me of her. So make sure you bring it back.”

He took it and had it investigated and authenticated. It was the will of the woman who had died, and in the will she left her housekeeper a fortune. The housekeeper could have had any house she wanted in the whole city and had servants of her own, but due to her ignorance, she lived in poverty and had a rough go of it all those years.

That woman reminds me of a lot of Christians. They don’t read their Bible, but they admire it because it reminds them of God. They haven’t taken time to find out the inheritance that belongs to them as believers.

God’s Word is a light to our path. It is our guidebook for life. It is bread for our spirit. It is our strength. It is our refuge in troubled times.

Cherish God’s Word.

Monday, May 21, 2007

the 21st Sunday of Year 2007

I totally love the weather today! I reckon, Autumn and Spring are the best seasons of the year! I love the sun, i love the temprature, love the views, and the most important: i love the sunlight. The best time to take pictures (since photography is my hobby). Weekends are the fullest days of the week for me, what i love about weekends is CHURCH! On saturday, we have Gospel Generation (English service), and on sundays our church have three services (all using indonesian language) 12.00PM New Life Kingsford, 4.00 PM New Life Hills, 6.30 New Life Croydon. three congregrations in three local area (east, west and innerwest)

Today we had a special guest speaker from Perth: Rev. Iwan Kosasih. We're blessed by his ministry. Love his sermon, love his hair too. wet look and nicely shaped. =) reminds me of advertisment of "BRISK" (indo brand for hair styling gel, back in my teenage years, haha). Om Iwan has been in sydney this whole week for evangelism explosion, he's one of the trainer. So it has been a 'full on'week for him. We love to have him in our church.

It's not an usual sunday at New Life Kingsford this weekend. Rev. David (senior pastor) inducted the new church council members for period 2007-2100. Congratulations for all! (om handoko, Om Herry, Bu ance, Bu Oetami, Pa Yan, Ko Jimmy, Bu Rinda, Bu Is). Selamat melayani ya!

I took some pictures of the cute sunday school boys and girls. They were playing a games led by their class teacher, "Icha"

At night, after the evening service at Croydon, i felt like taking some pictures using my Canon EOS, so i strolled to The rocks and took some pictures. So check out these photos..

Ok I better go to sleep now.. I need to pick up my uncle in the morning at the airport. Ok then guys, till then... Take care and God bless!!
Be that blessing for everyone you meet today!

Boost Your Confidence

Last saturday in GG i shared a message about "confidence". We all want to have a life full of victories, we love to overcome our challenges, our weaknesses, not to dwell on our limitation, rather choose to break free from that. To be able to do that, we can't deny that we need to deal with the battle in our head. Through out the day, we constantly talk to ourself, in fact we talk to ourselves more than we talk to other people. Often time, we do that in our sub-conscious stage.

When i love a particular song, i would put that song on repeat on my itunes playlist, and play that over and over again, even while i'm sleeping. When i wake up in the morning, that song will be in my head for the whole day, or even for the whole week.
We do that often times, not only we play a song that we like, but we play statements for our lives in our head, whether we realize it or not. These thoughts can be positive or negative.

What kind of thoughts you put in your brain's itunes playlist? Are you thinking encouraging thoughts, empowering thoughts? or are you thinking all defeated statements like, I'm not good enough, I'm not attractive, God doesn't love me, He hates me, he hate what i did, he hate my personality, I'll never get things right, etc. If you do have a habit to think about those negative thoughts, those very thoughts that will hinder you to reach your potential, that keep you live below your means. The way we talk to our self will set a bar, how high we will go in live, whether we will conquer our challenges, or let ourselves defeated by situations.
Learn to replace those negative thoughts, with what kind of statements that GOD have about you. These are some of God's statements about you:

YOU are God's precious Child, You are the apple of His eye.
You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
God's favor is in your life, wherever you go, what ever you do, God's blessings are upon you.
You're loved, You're forgiven, You're accepted.
God is pleased with you

Do not let your past failures hinders you from God's best in your life. Our God in Jesus Christ is faithful and just, he forgives you when you come boldly to him and confess your stuff ups, That's a guarantee. Don't dwell in your hurts and pain, becos when you hold those junks in your life, you have a full hand, and you can miss out of what God actually has prepared for you: Restoration, Healing, Forgiveness, Bbright future, Hope, and Love. Realize that your past doesn't matter anymore. Come to him and let God whisper how much he love you, and reveal that he has a wonderful plan for you: A bright Future. Say that outloud: I HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE!

These are some of the pictures of some young people who have too much confidence.. haha
This pics were taken just before they got kicked out of the hall.. =P

Friday, May 18, 2007

Learning To Trust the Master

A man and his dog are in the same car. The dog howls bright-moon-in-the-middle-of-the-night caterwauling howls. The man pleads, promising a daily delivery of dog biscuit bouquets if only the hound will hush. After all, it’s only a car wash.

Never occurred to him—ahem, to me—that the car wash would scare my dog. But it did. Placing myself in her paws, I can see why. A huge, noisy machine presses toward us, pounding our window with water, banging against the door with brushes. Duck! We’re under attack.

“Don’t panic. The car wash was my idea.” “I’ve done this before.” “It’s for our own good.” Ever tried to explain a car wash to a canine? Dog dictionaries are minus the words brush and detail job. My words fell on fallen flaps. Nothing helped. She just did what dogs do; she wailed.

Actually, she did what we do. Don’t we howl? Not at car washes perhaps but at hospital stays and job transfers. Let the economy go south or the kids move north, and we have a wail of a time. And when our Master explains what’s happening, we react as if he’s speaking Yalunka. We don’t understand a word he says.

Is your world wet and wild? God’s greatest blessings often come costumed as disasters. Some of you doubt it. How can God use cancer or death or divorce? Simple.

He’s smarter than we are. He is to you what I was to four-year-old Amy. I met her at a bookstore. She asked me if I would sign her children’s book. When I asked her name, she watched as I began to write, “To Amy …”

She stopped me right there. With wide eyes and open mouth, she asked, “How did you know how to spell my name?”

She was awed. You aren’t. You know the difference between the knowledge of a child and an adult. Can you imagine the difference between the wisdom of a human and the wisdom of God? What is impossible to us is like spelling “Amy” to him. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:9).

I keep taking Molly to the car wash. She’s howling less. I don’t think she understands the machinery. She’s just learning to trust her master.

Maybe we’ll learn the same.

From Next Door Savior
Copyright (W Publishing Group, 2003) Max Lucado

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A tribute to a friend

I would like to dedicate this particular post to a friend of mine, who had spent about 3 months in Sydney and recently had gone back to Surabaya, Indonesia. I've been blessed to be able to share those 3 months with you in Gospel Generation, Croydon Church and especially at Nexus (our small group). Rizal, We all miss you for sure. I hope that you will always remember us and don't forget to visit us in sydney everytime you have a chance. We pray all the best for your career and bussiness over there. God's favor is in your life, and I believe that what ever you do shall prosper, just focus on Him, rely on His strength.
God bless you mate, Take Care! Keep in Touch Ok?

"Focus your Eyes on Your giant, and you will fall
Focus on your GREAT GOD, and your giant will fall. "
- Max Lucado

Eternal Life

This week has been an unique week for me. For 4 days (8 hours each day) from Monday o thursday, I joined a training course from evangelism Explotion. This course was made for all the indonesian pastors in Sydney, more than 30 pastors commited to this training. This training is all about how to be effective in sharing the good news. I was the youngest in that class, but I really enjoyed the whole experience.
For me personally, this course reminds me once again and makes me amazed by the love of God to us, His creation. God's desire is to give us eternal life, and the only one that hinders us to receive God's gift of eternal life is our sin. However, Our God is a good God and also JUST. He loves us and doesn't want to punish us because of our sins, however as a JUST God, he can not let all sinners to go unpunished. That's why he solve this dillema, by become human just like us (Jesus), sacrifice himself for the punishment of our sins. Jesus suffered on the cross, and just before he died he said " it is finished". That means all the work of atonement of our sins has been completed. He died, and rose again, and ascend to heaven. He offers us the gift of eternal life, and the only way we can receive that gift, is through faith.
This is such a good news for the world. That we receive eternal life not through good works, charities, all what ever good deeds that we do, but only by grace.
Thank you Lord, for loving us!

(Israel Houghton & Michael Gungor)

Who am I that You are mindful of me
That you hear me when I call
Is it true that you are thinking of me?

I am a friend of God
I am A friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend.

God almighty, Lord of glory
He has called me "FRIEND"

Monday, May 14, 2007

Welcome back, Mike!

I was looking at someone's blog the other night, and that made me remember that back in 2004 I created a blogspot account which i never updated since then. =p So now, I would like to welcome myself back to this blog page. At last, I join this community again, and honestly i was inspired by my 1.5 year old nephew, Zech. He has his own blog! wow! Thanks to his lovely mom, my sister in law:: Beth. I put ZECH's blog page at my "routine" webpage on my mozilla firefox browser.
Ya'll can visit my cool nephew's blog at this address ::
Make sure check that out, and be prepare to see the most good looking boy in Sydney... (of course he got that good looking face from his uncle... hehehe)

me and music

There have been heaps of changes in my life since 2004. Beside my weight (used to be around 72kg in 2004, and now I've blown up to 81kg... don't laugh!), I start to learn a new music instrument : Saxophone. I fell in love with this instrument, and i determined to master it. I no longer live in Homebush anymore, I moved to Ryde since December 2005, and I never regret it. =) I'm no longer a PC guy, I have been 'saved' and converted to MAC, and i never looked back.. hahaha. I love my church, I love my team, and love everyone in the family of New Life Church (, and especially my young people in gospel generation. They're so talented, funny, and radiant.
Citra & Mike

Citra and I have been courting for more than 2 years now, and she's been a awesome friend, helper, listener, motivator, and encourager. She's in her 2nd year in Early Childhood course in Macquarie Uni, Sydney.

Me and Rev. David

I'm an associate pastor in New Life Indonesian Community Church, an Indonesian speaking church in Sydney, Australia. And even until now I'm still learning heaps of lessons about life in ministry, and God has been faithful and wonderful in equipping me for ministry.

On that note, i conclude my initial post this year, and you'll see more from me soon. Til then, Take Care. God Bless

See Ya