Thursday, April 23, 2009

He Deserves My Best

"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:37-38

Obviously, Jesus wants all of me. All of my love, all of my devotions. A father, a mother, and a child is one's closest family, and Jesus wants me to love him more than i love my closest family. It sounds so selfish in a way, but isn't what you would say on your wedding day? That you would love your spouse till the end? either poor or rich, sick or healthy, that we would love our spouse?
In the first place, Jesus has shown his love to me, his commitment, his devotion, and his sacrifice for me. YES, for me. He deserves my best, he deserves all of me, all of my talents, all of my love.

Time and money are clear indications of what I treasure most in life. The keyword here i think is priority. I need to give Him the best part of my day to him for just simply spend time with him in prayer and word. Being faithful to give him the first priority of my finances, even during tough times. And the only motivation is because he has loved me first, and has given His best for me. Why shouldn't i try to do the same?

You gave your all on the calvary, Jesus. That's an evidence of your love to me. You love me more than anything. Thank you for showing it to me first how much you love me, that what empowers me to love you. Help me to grow in love with you, day by day. Just like i'm entering marriage life soon, and i need to continually work out my marriage, i want to to do the same with you. I want to work out my relationship with you.

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